
Hardware, Software, Systems, Best Practices; We Know The Way

For the past 12 years, we’ve helped over 2200 businesses build, grow and maintain their digital worlds.

Sometimes the hardest part of improvement is knowing where to change. 

We can help with advice and support with your software, hardware, systems, and digital management. 

I need help with…

There are many ways we can help you with your online and digital ecosystems. Which would you like help with?

I Need Software Support

New, Update, Overhaul, Management, more

I Need Hardware Support

Servers, Hosting, PC’s, Tablets, and more.

I Need Systems Administration

CRM, ERP, SEM, HR, And all the acronyms

I Need Overall Help & Support.

Security, Maintenance, Features, Advice, more..

How can M@DROO


You’ve gotten the information, right?

The key to most things digital is having a basic understanding of what you need, why you need it, and how it will improve the challenges you face. We can help. Many of our clients just want solutions that will work, without having to constantly be working on them or monitoring them. Instead of ‘selling’ a solution, we prefer to inform as to what options will work best and which one is best suited to your businesses needs and future prosperity.

What’s in it for you?

Imagine being told not to buy something, not to spend on areas you don’t need to. Imagine getting honest and direct support that will assist your business without having a sales agenda. We’re not here to sell you products and services, we’re here to support and assist in growing and sustaining your business. Refreshing isn’t it!

We are real. Yes, no BS.

We are often asked why we build, recommend and offer open source and free products before trying to sell licences and unneeded products. While we lean on our ethics and transparency, seemingly this is lost on some of our ‘competitors’ and often we are asked to repair works and deployments that our newer clients have been burdened with because they took a sales spiel from another company. Don’t worry; we can undo their waste.

Digital Transformation and you…

There are still many businesses that are wasting time and resources on outdated and unsecured business practices. They resist the move to digital and automated systems because of a fear of costs or potential disruption. When we sit with a new business client; we explore all the areas of current resistance and bottle neck, and help to identify where and how using digital systems can improve their operations. It really becomes a simple process with common statements of “Why did we wait so long!” and “We should have done this years ago..”. And our favourite; “You’re the best! Where have you been all this time?!?” – Answer; waiting for you to contact us.

How do you fix it?

Often we find that poor business practices and complacency lead to patterns where out of date software and systems are tolerated as no better options have been deployed. This is common as you focus on your prime business activities and leave the operational side of things to suffer.
We look for the patterns you use to operate your business and will suggest methods that will automate manual steps, process triggers; where certain actions will trigger off other automated processes, updating software used to open sourced or free, which is often superious to licenced products that ask you to purchase additional features and functions. Things that other programmers have already written solutions for.

We’ve spoken to your competitors…

We have worked within dozens of industries, and so it’s likely we have already worked with, and assisted your competitors. We are neutral and operate under heavy non-disclosures, However, why shouldn’t you also be able to access solutions and improve your overall business health?

We ask you to check what we say.

Again, we aren’t here to sell you products you don’t need. We’re here to give you the clear and unbiased advice that will allow you to make informed and deliberate directions towards the success of your business.

How do we work?

We spend a lot of time reviewing each stage of your business, from lead generation, client management, order fulfillment and post sales support. Sometimes there can be hundreds of steps that relate to various departments or segments of your business. With our knowledge and objective eye we can identify quick and economical solutions using the latest in software and hardware. Often it is the simplest of changes that have the biggest of impacts.

We promise nothing!

We make no promises that we can re-invent the wheel for you and change everything to allow you to lounge on a beach somewhere. What do promise is clear and honest conversations that will offer you the opportunity to change the way you work and the way you look at work.

What do you have to lose?

If we can save you just an hour a day by using one of our many suggested solutions, and that change translates into potentially 365 hours a year, multiplied by your calculated hourly rate, and the solution not only reduces labour and associated costs but will aid in generating revenue; what have you got to lose? No, really, what do you have to lose?

Lets start with a conversation

Send us a confidential message and we can evaluate your current systems and processes in business, and explore what options are available for you right now, as well as what strengths you can attain by future proofing your business for tomorrow. So send us a message and we can get you heading in the right direction with all the tools and resources needed for your business to be sustainable and more importantly, to thrive.

I Need A Website

New, Update, Overhaul, Management, more

I Need A Mobile App

Android, iOS, Hybrid, WebApp, more..

I Need Clients

SEO, SEM, Social Media, Engagement, more..

I Need Help

Security, Maintenance, Features, Advice, more..


The web is a large pool of resources and tools, however it also presents the greatest risk to businesses. As the connection between so many systems used within business, it is the main channel that hackers and malicious software utilise to access your networks and data, and therefore requires the greatest of monitoring and support.

Mobile Applications

Hardware is often overlooked when it comes to security and protections. Commonly, our clients come to us with the knowledge that their systems are ‘protected’ with a basic antivirus or similar software. The realisation that these basic protections will not ensure effective cover of systems comes as a shock.

Advertising & Marketing

We’re constantly repairing networks and systems that are damaged or misused by the staff and human resources that are assigned to utilise them. This is often due to lack of training and carries a costly impact on business, yet it is easily resolved with adequate admin privileges and training.

Consult & Management

We’re constantly repairing networks and systems that are damaged or misused by the staff and human resources that are assigned to utilise them. This is often due to lack of training and carries a costly impact on business, yet it is easily resolved with adequate admin privileges and training.

What We Do

We specialise in online technology; websites, portals, webapps and mobile applications.

We also supply and manage the supporting hardware and applications to run your business in a modern mobile digital world.

We can assist with evaluating, installing, monitoring and manging your digital ecosystems. Our objective is to minimise time and cost while increasing your efficiency and digital ROI.

What We Do

Basic one page websites, simple product or service sites, complex and multi product websites with integrations and automations; we have worked on them all. Often when our clients come to us with an idea or need, they’re not aware of the automations and connections that can be made to reduce operating resources and time saved that some simple automation and digitised operations can be. From attracting new business clients, to sales fulfillment and delivery. Your clients will tell you what they want, ask us to  translate that for you.


Single splash and landing pages, to elaborate directory and e-commerce sites; we create remarkable websites to generate and keep more visitors to your site

Mobile Apps

Simple and intuitive, to complex and ground-breaking mobile apps. Web, hybrid and native apps. We create engaging platforms that will keep users clicking.


Branding & Style

It’s important to ensure a consistant message is being delivered with your brand. Colour palates, fonts, icons, imagery, video and other elements are the start of a good style and branding guide.

Hosting & Servers

Shared hosting, VPN, Cloud, dedicated or more custom server solutions; we can assist in the full stack engineering of the perfect hardware platforms for your needs.

Software Development

Customise existing software, create custom platforms, intergrate with other software and systems. For websites, CRM’s and API’s, we simplify and optimise your software for your needs.

Security & Maintenance

Ensuring that your systems are protected and defended is imperative. Live monitoring, intrusion detection and prevention, server selection and maintentace, security protocol guideance.

Digital Transition

Moving to a better system for your business requires planning and experience. We can help ensure a smooth and successful data and software transition and ongoing transformaiton support.


Innovative and insightful approcahes to business sytems and client engagement can be attained via Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Using the blockchain for other purposes can deliver even more innovaitons to your business.

And, everything else digital, online, wireless, serverless, and more. If you’ve thought of it; we have the solution. And the things you havent thought about? Well, we have more solutions than you think. 

Lets start with a conversation adn see where we can help you from here. No double speak, no jargon, no sales pitch; just honest informaiton with a clear adjenda. 

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Works For You

We don’t upsell, we don’t send you sales pitch email ‘updates’, we won’t put you into systems that only cost different to what you are already doing.

We work for you.


So we do all that you don’t wnat to or don’t know how to. And we do this in ways that will ensure you are a client/partner of ours, for life. If we keep your business moving forward efficently; why go elsewhere.




Providing Information Technology Tools & Resources Since 2001