Mobile Apps

Everything needs to be mobile

Yes, Everything

Most of the work we do is mobile centred. If it’s a mobile app, website, web-app, software, or anything in between; everything needs to be mobile.

Your clients and potential customers demand instant information and results, and the best way to accomplish that is to be mobile with them.

More of our clients are moving their website and online presence to be mobile enabled; ensuring they are futureproofed for success.

I need help with…

There are many ways we can help you with your mobile apps and digital ecosystems. Which would you like help with?

Build An App

Have an idea for an app? Let us build your idea.


Update My App

Need to update your mobile application?


Improve My App

Need a new feature or function within your app?


I Need Help

Have questions or issues with your app?

Where to start with

Mobile Applications


You’ve seen all the other apps, but you’ve not seen yours. Yet..

As a mobile user you are already with the basics, so we won’t pretend you’re an idiot and speak down to you. You can google everything we say, so, yeah.

Why haven’t you launched your own app by the way? What are you unsure of? Is someone building your app that you don’t know yet?

It’s an opportunity for you to be able to get your app idea into the app store. If you’ve thought of it, then someone else likely has as well.

We’ve worked with thousands of clients 

Thousands of individuals and companies that have taken their idea into a real digital world. Providing solutions and entertainment to millions of users around the globe.

What’s holding you back?

Time is the reason. Seriously. If you had the time, you’d be able to use the internet, and likely some apps, to teach yourself how to do all that you need to accomplish your objectives. However, you’d still have only one perspective on the situation. Imagine standing at a waterfall with another person, do you both see the same thing? Are their perceptions of the same view identical to yours? No, they’re not. Which is why a team of viewers are best, and will produce the results that will exceed your current reality.

Don’t let yourself hold you back – If your idea is brought to the app market without you, you only have yourself to blame.

Why should I build my app now? 

We are in the era of mobile app development and disruption. Each new app is bringing in simpler and swifter ways to do everyday tasks. Think about what Uber did to the taxi and ride industry; now everyone can have almost instant transportation and with greater controls and freedoms than a conventional taxi. This was done to an industry that is almost 1000 years old.


We encourage you to test us

While we build rapport with you and we learn more about your wants and needs and our experience and expertise; there will be a learning curve of trust. We understand this, and at the end of the day – this is YOUR idea, YOUR time, YOUR resources. So we will encourage you to test us against our ‘competitors’ and other market participants.

How does it work?

We spend a lot of time communicating with you to ensure we are working on the same page as your mind has created for the idea itself. We keep you informed and educated along the way and strive to have you working form the same perspective as us for

Starting is simple

Complete the webform below and we can start exploring your idea and assisting you to have a great insight into the workings of app building. You can ask us anything at any stage and have us align with you to ensure you have the best knowledge and insight into how your app will be built, how it will work and why users will flock to it. (With the proper marketing of course!)

What do you have to lose?

Well, the idea of a lifetime going to someone else, or being made poorly by another company that has money as their only objective.

What should you do next?

Send us a message, or fill out the form below and we can begin to assist you in exploring your options.

Click one of the options below to get started with exploring your possibilities. 


I Need An App

Have an idea for an app? Let us build your idea.

Need An App Built?

Have the next big idea for an app? A disruptive idea that will change the world? Or, needing a bespoke solution for your clients and network? The options for a mobile app that will facilitate your needs and wants are ready and waiting for you to call them into action. We can help with it all.


Update My App

Need to update your mobile application?

Need Your App Updated?

Has it been a while since you last updated and futureproofed your app? Are you in need of some compliance updates or some additional security elements to ensure you have the best and most stable solution for your clients. It’s vital to ensure your app is at an optimum level.


Improve My App

Need a new feature or function within your app?

Improve Your App

Would you like some innovative and advanced features added to your application? Have some ideas of how you would like to improve your app, or would you like some experts to evaluate and assist in expanding your app to ensure you retain and attract users to your platform.


I Need Help

Have questions or issues with your app?

Consult & Management

Already have an app and need some independent advice and perspectives? Have an idea for an app and just not sure where to start? We field questions and issues related to mobile apps constantly and are able to bring some of the brightest minds and most experienced team to work for you.

Ready To Get Started, Or, Do You Have Questions?

We understand that you have questions or issues to explore before start your project with us. We invite you to complete the form below so we can assist you in understanding what is involved and what you need to do next.

I Want To Build A Mobile App

So you have the idea of a lifetime that will disrupt and change the market. So, where do you start?

We’ve worked with some of the largest app platforms in the world, and our teams of experts from across the world can be yours to design and deploy your idea into a functioning mobile reality. 

We encourage you to begin your discussion with us so as you can learn the best practices and solutions for your application. 

Build Your App

From one page informational apps, product or service ecommerce apps, complex and multi product mobile aps with integrations and automations; we work with  all of them. Often when our clients come to us with an idea or need, they’re not aware of the functionalities and features as well as the automations and connections that can be made. 

The focus on mobile apps should be simplicity. Users are looking for quick solutions and information. Instant gratification should be the objective when designing and deploying your mobile app. 

If you can engage your users to engage with your app and retain them on the platform to complete and action or a sale, and do so in a simple and swift way; you will have many users return for additional sales and interactions. 

We design and deploy mobile applications projects in several distinct stages. We break down our development into these milestones so as to clearly differentiate each objective and ensure that the objectives for the mobile app are designed clearly and deployed effectively. Inside each of these milestones are potentially hundreds of steps and projects that we complete on the path to full live deployment of your mobile app solution. 



We spend a lot of time in the beginning speaking with you and gaining insight into what you want from your mobile applications. This stage is key to ensuring that we can bring our knowledge and experience to you so as to ensure that we are creating exactly what you want and need for your clients and user to access your message and complete a transaction, enroll with your services, and connect with you. 



The strategy for development can vary widely from project to project. While we base all our projects in proven strategy systems, we generally need to specifically adjust for each client; as no two projects are the same, just as their businesses differ.



When designing your app we look for key elements that you are looking to accomplish, while ensuring that we employ common design and functionalities that users are accustomed to and will expect. You want your users to accomplish their goals on your app in the least amount of actions as possible. 



The development cycles, (Yes, plural) are an orchestrated series of smaller projects, embedded into other larger projects. The stages of development are the result of proper planning and design. The strategy will define the best practices for development to occur.


Test & Launch

These are usually failed areas from other projects we take over. Simply getting to this stage is quite the task. Correct testing all through the design and development stages will ensure that the project will be a success. When we deploy a project into testing, it’s done in a manner to break the project. This way we can push the project to beyond its typical limits and ensure that you have capacity for typical use.



Some will view the usual social media posts as all they do for promotion of their products and services. Promotion, is an organic thing. It never stops. If planned correctly, you can automate a significant part of it. However, inevitably you will need to get your marketing plan so as to keep your clients engaged and your guests able to find you swiftly.



Our most common projects are renewing and updating old and long outdated websites and apps. Often as a result of a complete code failure or errors as well as security risk and vulnerability. With a proper maintenance plan, you can save thousands of dollars by not having to re-do your entire digital presence and also to ensure your clients and guests have the best experience with your platforms.

Ready To Get Started, Or, Do You Have Questions?

We understand that you have questions or issues to explore before start your project with us. We invite you to complete the form below so we can assist you in understanding what is involved and what you need to do next.

I Want To Update & Enhance My App

Is your app in need of some TLC to get it more streamlined, more functions and features, or just an overall branding and UX update?

Many of our clients have developed apps and didn’t have a plan for development and improvements.

Your app need constant reviewing and updating to ensure you are functioning on the latest operating system releases and able to stay current with the software benchmarks.

Update & Enhance

We often work under very dynamic and lean process models. This ensures that projects can be completed swiftly and below budget. It’s important to have a plan in place so as to manage all elements of each project and also to ensure that stakeholders (that’s you and your teams) are well informed and understand all the moving and detailed parts of the development and management processes.



Important phase in the development cycle of any website, app or digital portal. Market and competitor analysis, research target users, features, flows and user journey.



Design - UX - UI

User experience (UX) design and user interface (UI) design are crucial to the success of an app. Our design teams delve deep into the psychology of design and user research. 



The development process will vary depending on your project. Using agile and cascading or waterfall development methods ensures milestones are met and the platform is future proof



Upkeep of software and hardware is an ongoing process to ensure security and continuity. A well planned audit and maintenance schedule will ensure uptime and function.




Single splash and landing pages, to elaborate directory and e-commerce sites; we create remarkable websites to generate and keep more visitors to your site


Mobile Apps

Simple and intuitive, to complex and ground-breaking mobile apps. Web, hybrid and native apps. We create engaging platforms that will keep users clicking.


Branding & Style

It’s important to ensure a consistent message is being delivered with your brand. Colour palates, fonts, icons, imagery, video and other elements are the start of a good style and branding guide.


Hosting & Servers

Shared hosting, VPN, Cloud, dedicated or more custom server solutions; we can assist in the full stack engineering of the perfect hardware platforms for your needs.


Software Development

Customise existing software, create custom platforms, integrate with other software and systems. For websites, CRM’s and API’s, we simplify and optimise your software for your needs.


Security & Maintenance

Ensuring that your systems are protected and defended is imperative. Live monitoring, intrusion detection and prevention, server selection and maintenance, security protocol guidance.


Digital Transition

Moving to a better system for your business requires planning and experience. We can help ensure a smooth and successful data and software transition and ongoing transformation support.



Innovative and insightful approaches to business systems and client engagement can be attained via Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Using the blockchain for other purposes can deliver even more innovations to your business.

Ready To Get Started, Or, Do You Have Questions?

We understand that you have questions or issues to explore before start your project with us. We invite you to complete the form below so we can assist you in understanding what is involved and what you need to do next.


How Can We Help Today?

We have more than 200 years of combined experience in the world of information technology and internet.

We don’t pretend to know everything. And while we know a lot, we may not always have the answers to every single question; but we know all the people that do.

How can we help you?



While we offer a large range of products and services, we often find that we are answering rather simple issues from our large bank of knowledge.

We aim to educate first, as that is where you will gain more perspective and strength for your business.

So if you have a question, no matter what it is; we’re here to help. No, we don’t charge you for simple questions and assistance you may need.

Everything we can do for you, you can do yourself. With enough time and resources to search through the internet and validate your sources. In fact we encourage our clients to do this.

If you just want to chat about some of the exciting options or what’s happening in your industry that we can digitise for you – we can talk about that too!

We look forward to speaking with you.



Mobile Applicaiton Enquriy Form

Complete the form below to start your enquiry for mobile applicaitons with us.

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  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)
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Do you currently have a mobile app?
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What is your App name?
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Where is your app currently hosted?
Enter the name of the marketplace:
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Do you have a domain name picked out?
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What domain name do you want to use?
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Tell us about your business or entity
Who are you and what do you do?
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What features does your mobile app need?
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You selected 'Other', please explain further
Tell us what features you need
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You selected Ecommerce functionality, please select the type of ecommerce
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Do you have a style guide?
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Upload your style guide and branding elements
Upload your documents., files, images, logos, etc.
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Do you have a logo?
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Upload your logo
Upload your documents., files, images, logos, etc.
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Pick your main colour
Choose your main branding colour here
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Pick your second colour
Choose your secondary colour here
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Pick your third colour
Choose your third colour here
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What are three mobile apps that you like, and why?
Top three apps and why?
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What and content types do you need on your app?
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You selected 'Other' under pages, can you clarify?
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What forms and data capture tools will you need on your app?
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You selected 'Other' under forms, can you clarify?
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Do you have content prepared for your app?
This includes any text or copy, images, videos, media, etc
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Do you need us to prepare content for your app?
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What email marketing provider do you use?
  • - select a option -
  • Omnisend
  • Pabbly Email Marketing
  • SendinBlue
  • Moosend
  • SendX
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaign Monitor
  • iContact
  • MailChimp
  • AWeber
  • ActiveCampaign
  • AutoPilot
  • GetResponse
  • Ontraport
  • Hubspot
- select a option -
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Do you have social media accounts set up for your app?
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Select which social media accounts you have set up
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Field is required!
Do you want social media accounts set up for your app?
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Select which social media accounts you want us to set up
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What is your ideal timeline for completion?
Select a date
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What is your budget?
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Do you have any other files to upload and share with us to assist in building your project?
Upload your documents...
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Any additional information you would like to tell us about or questions to ask us?
Questions, comments or conundrums?
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Providing Information Technology Tools & Resources Since 2001